Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Backwards evolution.

I got in to a conversation yesterday with someone I have known for about 4 years whom I greatly respect. We got in to the topic of humans - human nature.. why they lie, steal cheat and cause their own demise. It's a strange thing, throughout time, species have evolved to survive, but it does seem like the human race has got it backwards. How many times do we cause our own failure. For instance, humans, like any other species have a main goal to procreate and keep the species alive, keep the blood lines going. Generally we are a monogomous species, which is fine, but often people stray from their mates, or get involved with seedy people, and boom back to failure. Our pleasure principles seem to require stimulation more than our brains and our need to survive. We're perfectly okay for the most part to go on a drunken rampage through the bars and drive home *(some okay I'm generalizing) which doesn't really help our survival instinct does it??
Any thoughts?

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